Farjana Akter
When I heard that I am going to join COP 14 it was amazing to me. I have never been to such a gigantic and important event. However, I am preparing for this climate meeting in Poland.
In Bangladesh there is no visa consulate of the Poland. I had to go to New Delhi for picking up my visa. Though there were many difficulties but the spirit inside me enabled to pass through these hassles and finally, I collected my visa.
I passed long way and arrived the capital of Poland, Warsaw in the morning 10.35 am. From Warsaw, I took a train to the venue, Poznan. In the rail station when I was just looking around suddenly a TV crew surfaced and asked me tell something about Global Warming. I was so surprised that my first speech about Climate Change when I just arrived in Poland!
The COP 14 started on 1 December 2008. I joined on 4 December that means 3 days have been passed and the complex negotiations. While I arrived at the venue I saw many colourful banners with picture where showing the danger of climate change.
On 4 December morning first I registered myself and entered to the COP 14 after security frisking by the UN blue beret. Outside the conference buildings there are so many stalls mainly from UN agencies, CSOs from different countries, but mostly they are talking about energy.
I joined a meeting organized by Oxfam international where Adaptation Fund was deliberated. Adaptation fund is now monetized. The mistrust is on the air between developed and developing countries. The criticism about Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was mainly the entity run by developed countries’ company.
There is a question that how do we define vulnerability and how do we address which project must vulnerable. Current fragmented approach should be changed immediately. The 0.07 percent contribution as ODA from developed countries should be mandatory not voluntary. Otherwise money will not come to the developing countries. There should have direct access in the Global Fund for adaptation as most developing countries are demanding for an example as G-77+ China. A mechanism should be developing to collect the money.
A press conference was organized by Climate Action Network (CAN) said governments are explicitly needed to commit as they committed in the Bali conference. 2008 is almost end. It is a chance to sign to final compliance. In the Bali, the G 77 was disappointed. Australia said they will cut emission 5-15 per cent below 2000 level 2020. We need Australia this positive approach. They also said we can contribute beginning our traditional technology to adapt the climate change.
Indigenous people do not have access in the negotiation process and development plan. They urged that parties should engage the indigenous community in the process making effective. Also they stressed the Political will.
I also joined CAN adaptation working group meeting. They suggested as in Eco-article that eco system base adaptation program should be approaced. On the other hand they are scared about the global fund of adaptation. Because Global Fund on Adaptation is facing problem of unpredictability and also there is a question of effectiveness. Developing countries are demanding the direct access of Global Fund on Climate Change. Though there is a mechanism coming up to manage the Global Fund but still there has uncertainty. Around 50 countries from LDC get the Global fund and 38 countries are making National Plan of Action for using these funds.
They also discussed about the Clean Development Mechanism. Bilateral agreement is going on. Mitigating working group is thinking a meeting with the EU and developing countries push for government agreement on article 9.
Today I joined a participatory film show organized by IIED, CLACC on adaptation techniques from developing countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Senegal and Malawi. Among them Nepal and Malawi film were most interesting and appropriate for the country like Bangladesh.
Most of the land scape of Malawi is very low. So in the rainy season Malawi affects flooding problem very badly. Before coming flood they dig Ponds, Canals and drain very deeply surrounding the village area. However, when rain comes all water goes to the low area than high area.People get safe from water logging and also during the dry season they can use this water for irrigation in the agriculture fields.
And in the Nepal documentary was on soil erosion. In films they use mainly indigenous knowledge. People harvest that type of species and grasses which protect soil from erosion. Village people use this plant and grasses for goat foods. This indigenous technology is very cheaper and environment friendly as well.
So these are the people who can make change without any money and investment or so called technology transfer from developed countries. When developing countries are negotiating for the fund that who will manage and equal distribution of fund and so on, right now community people already trying to find out their own way to come over the curse of climate change.
In the afternoon a meeting was contact group on adaptation plan was held. Bangladesh, Australia, India, Gambia, Costarica, USA, South Africa delegates spoke at the meeting. Many of them said the Adaptation policy should be prepared with such a way which would be integrated with National Development Policy. They also urged to address the issue of adaptation at home. Some delegates said the capacity building of adaptation fund implementation and assessing the climate change migration as an adaptation strategy.
There are still growing criticism about the private sector engagement in development plan and policy but Bangladeshi delegates focused the private sector engagement in the adaptation plan. Among the other process CSOs are still left from the process. On the other hand India clearly pointed out the national leads and priority in the adaptation process. Adaptation plan should be included as a sector wise component. So climate change agenda should be introduced at the project level, programmatic level and policy level. Gambia delegated said that Adaptation Fund should be separate from ODA. It’s a good proposal from Gambia so that developed country cannot cut their ODA as part of adaptation fund. Finally all are urged to formulate an adaptation plan which would be integration with international policy.
The talks will resume on Monday……it’s a tough complex negotiations.
Photos by Circa Frankie.
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