Thursday, October 23, 2008

Prodigy of the Butterfly and the Cat
by Patty Rodulfa

Have you visited the Forum office lately?

The gate have a “new look.” Many people who pass by the office are usually amazed. Sometimes they will pose in front of it and have their picture taken. Thanks to our officemate, Heidi, who found a good painter. Even though we are busy working, the gate gives joy to our neighbors, especially to kids who pass by the office.

So what’s with the cat and the butterfly? What’s the connection to our NGO work?

Each and every art can be interpreted in many ways. For some people, they only see what are visible to the naked eye. I will attempt to explain briefly why we chose to paint a cat and a butterfly on our gate’s office.

The butterfly symbolizes the “free” people living in a “free” country. People who have no problems. Those who have no worries and are not struggling. The cat symbolizes an “institution” full of power.

Nowadays, every country is a member of such kind of an “institution.” An institution that manipulates a country’s policy, and provides grants and loans which are supposed to benefit the “free” people. However, their funded projects lead to displacements, climate change and environmental rape.

You all know how these destructive projects affect people. That’s why the Forum is around – to monitor such institutions, hoping to minimize the harm that their policies and projects could cause the people who used to be free from abuses.

So, what is your interpretation?

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