Monday, June 30, 2008

Our daily trip
By Patricia Rodulfa

Vrooomm… I hear the roaring engine of our neighbor’s motorcycle. Then comes the yelling of our friendly fish vendor, Tilapia, Galunggong…” This is the daily scene in our community that marks the start of our day.

As my husband and I prepare for work, our “kabayo” -- our tough motorcycle -- waits in the garage. Kabayo is the Filipino term for horse. We call it kabayo because it has endured us for almost four years given our combined weight!

It’s now time to leave. A simple prayer before heading to our respective offices, requesting for safe travel. We don’t say goodbye to our parents. We just say, “Alis na kami. Balik kami maya.” (We’ll go ahead. We’ll be back safely.)

As we approach the highway, we see lots of people, mostly students, waiting for public vehicles. It’s rush hour again. People are now crowding the streets to get to their destinations early. Upon reaching one of the busiest towns in our place, traffic is very heavy. My hubby tries to look for alternative roads to take, avoiding the growing number of vehicles. However, traffic is more terrible in the side streets. He maneuvers our kabayo, cutting through vehicles, trying to make use of every available inch to move forward. This is the hardest thing to do since we may end up in an accident.

At last, our feet land in front of the office! We surpass another grueling trip. We say a silent, short prayer, thanking our Creator that we arrived safe and sound. We pat our kabayo, well done... Well done.

From our daily routine in the highway, we’ve learned that one has to be patient and able to mingle and play along with the rest of the drivers on the road, regardless of the type of vehicle you’re driving if you want to avoid an accident. Not to let the inconsiderate drivers get into your head. Defensive driving is indeed important if you want to survive the dangerous roads. And of course, a genuine smile for traffic enforcers will also help you ease your way out of crowded roads and will help you get to your destination a lot faster.

And this is our daily trip.

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